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• Our machines (except for pinball) run on quarters! Come prepared with all your loose change or ask staff to get you a roll if you’ve already burned through that big jar in your closet.

• we have FREE PLAY MONDAY meaning all games are free alllll day! (Please be respectful of other players and share game time or else we’ll kick ya to the curb!)

• In late February we hold an annual Ms. Pac-Man tournament. The champion walks away with FREE BURGERS for a whole year, so get training.


Arkanoid, Burgertime, Donkey Kong, Joust,  Ms. PAC-MAN & Street fighter II. 


Galaga, Street Fighter II, Ms. PAC-MAN, Mortal Kombat, Multicade (over 50 different classics), Lethal Weapon III Pinball (lol) & Golden Axe.